Alexander Carrigg is an American photographer based in Massachusetts, focused on documenting political unrest, conflict, and humanitarian crises. In the past five years, he has captured the experiences, condition, and resilience of people across North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa.

His work has been featured in numerous print publications, and his video work has appeared in Newsweek, reaching millions of viewers. With extensive travel experience, Alexander is committed to impactful storytelling and seeks to expand his portfolio through new assignments, personal projects, and video documentaries both locally and internationally. His dedication to highlighting critical global issues is evident in his thought-provoking and professional work.


Phone: 774 [dash] 322 [dash] 9199

Email: alex [at] alexcarrigg [dot] com

Get in touch

"Trying to capture the single image that goes beyond the current news cycle. Above the noise with more impact."